Organics & You

Organic grape-growing is a central tenet of Frankland Estate - and we think it’s important to spell out what it means for you, too.

FE Isolation Ridge Vineyard 3 FE Isolation Ridge Vineyard 3

When you drink wine, you drink nature. Organic viticulture prohibits the use of synthetic fertilisers, pesticides, fungicides and plant growth hormones. So on Isolation Ridge – organic in conversion since 2005 and fully certified since the 2009 harvest – nothing is allowed to interfere with that nature.

The benefits for us – for you – are manifold. Organic viticulture gives us vines that have greater resilience, so they can cope with challenging conditions and perform more consistently from year to year. 

FE Harvest FE Harvest

The vine achieves better balance between canopy and crop, which leads to better balance in the wines. A steadier balance between sugars and acids in the grapes allows us to hang the fruit on the vine for longer, which gives us a broader spectrum and depth of flavour while retaining evenness and energy on the palate. 

And because we have healthier, tastier grapes, we get every ounce of goodness from the fruit for fullness of flavour and texture. 


To make wines that are delicious from every angle, you need fruit that almost touches perfection. Living on the vineyard, in sync with our family team and naturally grown vines, we get as close as possible at Frankland Estate.

“Frankland Estate has been front of mind for their continuing quest to raise their already high bar. Not often talked about is the shift to organic farming... the vineyards have never been healthier or producing higher quality fruit. Frankland Estate is to be revered and celebrated in equal measure. Quietly going about its work, it continues to delight and surprise.”